

72 Pole Exercises

for your development & joy


Online Version + Printable PDF

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For every horse and rider

Regardless of discipline, level, horse or pony.
These exercises take your riding to the next level!

These 6 ebooks are included:

STRENGTHEN YOUR HORSE WITH CAPRILLI is for you who want new fun challenges in your riding.
12 courses suitable for all levels and disciplines. In each course, dressage exercises are mixed with cavaletti series and grid work or small jumps. You get to practice transitions, halts, back up, leg yielding, pole series in all gaits, jumping combinations, slalom, serpentines, bounces, being in control before and after obstacles, and much more.

All courses are suitable for group training, as the route never crosses.

POLE WORK for CANTER & TROT helps you develop your canter work with 12 new and challenging pole patterns.

All exercises are without change of rein, so you don’t need to know how to change lead. That way, you can concentrate fully on one canter at a time. All exercises, of course, can be ridden to both the left and the right.

The exercises are made so that you can ride them at a canter regardless of the stride length of your horse/pony. By putting the pole figure tight or spread out, you also get different levels of difficulty.

This E-book contains 4 figures with 3 different exercises in each figure. Being able to ride alternative routes in the same figure is very practical, since you won’t have to dismount to re-arrange the poles during the training.

BACK-THROUGH OBSTACLES is for you who are used to the common back-through obstacles such as the L, and would love to get some new challenges.  

Some of the exercises can be done on the same obstacle. Being able to ride alternative routes in the same figure is very practical, since you do not have to dismount to re-arrange the poles during the training.

Regardless of discipline, back-up obstacles are both very useful and fun. It trains your and the horse’s composure, to just move one small step at a time and to do it strategically. The horse develops his body awareness, and you learn how small changes in your seat affect the horse.

If you are a trail show rider, this E-book will be a true gem! It contains different and somewhat unusual back-through obstacles with both poles and cones.

POLE WORK for WALK & TROT was so popular, Lina wrote two more! Volume 1-3 give you 36 fun and unique challenges for the slower gaits.

Each E-book contains 4 figures with 3 different exercises in each figure. Being able to ride alternative routes in the same figure is very practical, since you won’t have to dismount to re-arrange the poles during the training.

The exercises are suitable for both walk and trot. You can place the poles in a tight pattern or with distance, to adapt the exercise to the horse’s stride length and level of training.

The theme of the exercises is to make your horse supple and improve his coordination in walk and/or trot.

Reviews from readers

Melissa Morris

I’ve been working through your 36 pole work exercises and having been loving them. I am currently using them in groundwork and also for calming my anxious boy during a ridden session. I’d love more exercises that help with focus 😊and for horses starting out with pole work.

Justyna Burzyńska-Ellis

I find the exercise extremely helpful in elasticity, communication and strength and balance of the horse. It is difficult for him to keep the trot since he is just coming back after an injury but the exercises also help to calm him down. Great stuff.


You’ll also get 5 printable A4 posters,
one for each exercise book*, with all the exercise illustrations gathered!
Print out and put up wherever you want visual inspiration:
On your planning board, fridge door,
tack closet or even inside the arena.

*except the Caprilli courses, since they are too big to be collected at one sheet.  


Lina Zachanox is a professional trainer from Sweden and the bestselling author of several pole work books, loved by horse people in over 100 countries in four languages.

Lina gladly shares her knowledge and experiences from her +20 years as a trainer and communicator. She coaches riders and horses from all different disciplines, breeds and levels, from beginners to show riders and other trainers.


  • 36 Exercises for Walk & Trot
  • 12 Exercises for Canter & Trot
  • 12 Exercises for Back-Throughs
  • 12 Caprilli courses
  • =72 Exercises, chosen and explained by professional horse trainer Lina Zachanox
  • Online versions of all 6 E-books
  • Printable PDFs of all 6 E-books
  • Guide to how to set ground pole and jump distances for different stride lengths
  • + BONUS: 5 Printable Posters with all single-exercises illustrated



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🇺🇸 USA
Karyn Hoggard

We have been enjoying the first few exercises from a recently started colt, to a dressage prospect, to even the saddle donkey. The saddle donkey is quite a thinker and particularly enjoys variety in training sessions.

Allegra Rubik-Wellech

We love the versatility of the exercises from The Two-Pole Training Guide.
It’s incredible how much you can do with just two poles. What I find super practical is, that once you’ve set up a figure, there are various ways to ride it. As you can see in the photo, he also enjoys practicing the “A Quarter of a Clock” exercise on his own.

Linda Nilsson


I have worked for almost three years to build up a horse to become more sustainable. Since the horse has not been mentally stable, we have worked a lot on trust and that he should listen to the rider. Both mentally and physically, all these exercises are essential and playful fun.