You can access all your e-books from this page as a logged-in user.
The products you have access to have a green round symbol and the ones you don’t have access to have a red round symbol. (If all are red, you have been logged out).

Log in by clicking on the person icon to the right in the yellow field.

Once you’re logged in, click Access Now on the product you want to open.

You can access all your courses and e-books from this page as a logged-in user.
The products you have access to have a green round symbol, and the ones you don’t have access to have a red round symbol. (If all are red, you have been logged out).

Log in by clicking on “the hamburger” icon (the three lines) to the right in the yellow field below, and then on the person icon.

Once you’re logged in, click Access Now on the product you want to open.