🇺🇸 USA
Nicole Bastian

Pole Work for Walk & Trot
I was looking for pole work I can do also in walk. I wanted to make him pay attention whst he’s going and where he steps.
There are fantastic and a lot of exercise examples in this book. You definitely will find something you can do and practice with your horse.
Julia McWilliams

I’ve just come across your books and very keen to start using the patterns with Our Pony club rally days to help improve the skills of all our riders!
Allegra Rubik-Wellech

We love the versatility of the exercises from The Two-Pole Training Guide.
It’s incredible how much you can do with just two poles. What I find super practical is, that once you’ve set up a figure, there are various ways to ride it. As you can see in the photo, he also enjoys practicing the “A Quarter of a Clock” exercise on his own.
🇺🇸 USA
Lindsay Odell

Odell Show Horses
I love working over poles, your books are such a great guide on creative exercises for balancing, creating correct muscle memory and developing a supple confident horse! I have just started our young Gypsian stallion over the poles and I’m excited to keep graduating to more advanced work in his training, he loves it and is doing great! My daughter is also schooling her young mare over poles and she also is building confidence and doing wonderful. Thank you again for providing such a great tool for training!
🇺🇸 USA
Tabitha Smith

Dressage coach
Great ideas to use for teaching and training!
Sandra Pennyfather

So good to have interesting ideas of exercises to do with my own horse and the lovely young people that I teach. Thank you.
Linda Nilsson

I have worked for almost three years to build up a horse to become more sustainable. Since the horse has not been mentally stable, we have worked a lot on trust and that he should listen to the rider. Both mentally and physically, all these exercises are essential and playful fun.
Justyna Burzyńska-Ellis

I find the exercise extremely helpful in elasticity, communication and strength and balance of the horse. It is difficult for him to keep the trot since he is just coming back after an injury but the exercises also help to calm him down. Great stuff.
🇺🇸 USA
Jacinda Panzenhagen-Fico

My group lesson worked on course one today, they had a great time and we are looking forward to setting up the second course! Thanks!
🇺🇸 USA
Karyn Hoggard

We have been enjoying the first few exercises from a recently started colt, to a dressage prospect, to even the saddle donkey. The saddle donkey is quite a thinker and particularly enjoys variety in training sessions.